Music from Brazil- Chico Buarque

Today i want to talk about brazilian music. This is Chico Buarque , one of the most famous musicians in Brazil, and why is that?
His voice is not great, the melody is ok, but it’s all about the lyrics. This song named “Cálice” at the first sight is about Jesus talking to God that he does not want his destiny. But the word “Cálice”, which means “wine glass”, is very similar to “Cale-se” and it means “shut up”. Chico Buarque made this song for our dictatorial period in 1964. And back there all songs were censured. Well , our militaries weren’t smart, so this song passed.
This is a protest song, and Chico Buarque is important because he has fought for musical and political freedom of Brazil. Enjoy “Cálice”.

( In this version Milton Nascimento ,also a great musician, sings with Buarque).


5 thoughts on “Music from Brazil- Chico Buarque

  1. Excellent. This song (and the voice of Milton Nascimento) was one of my first introductions to Brazillian music. Thanks for reminding me of this wonderful song.

    1. Well i have to say that u had a nice start in brazilian music.There are great singers from 60/70s in Brazil… Tom Jobim is one of the most famous outside…i’ll post more about them too :)

  2. Gosto tanto, mas tanto desta canção…
    Depois do 25 de Abril de 74 em Portugal, ouvi tantas vezes esta canção na rádio. Chico Buarque ouvia-se bastante. Das primeiras vezes que ele veio a Portugal era eu adolescente, mas não tive oportunidade de o ir ouvir.
    Muito obrigada Karla!

    1. Chico Buarque é um grande mestre, as músicas dele falam de tanta coisa. Eu já pude ver um show dele. E meu pai ia no bar que ele tocava quando ainda nem era conhecido, imagina que prazer?
      Obrigada Marília!

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